If you are anything like some weird guy I know (which I pray to the high heavens, you are not). Once 2 or 3 days have gone by and he has not learnt anything new, he gets grumpy for no reason at all; responds reluctantly to greetings, flies off the handle over mere jokes and makes minimal talk with annoying facial expression. Pretty sad but I find it interesting.
So to save all of us from weird grumpy friends like mine, I have decided to share the one stop destination that is perpetually thrilling and informative. A podcast that will fill any mind in leaps and bounds,with knowledge that will jettison all forms of grumpiness. The most amazing thing about every single episode of this podcast called 99% Invisible is that each one is brilliantly produced and is a virus you will most definitely share shamelessly without protection.
I can not point you to any favourite episode, right now, because I love every one of them equally for the depth of research and style of presentation employed.So if for any reason you have a mental itch to scratch or you have any Mr or Mrs Grumpy for knowledge in your life, just head over to 99% Invisible to get your mind blown. You will thank me later (I hope).
GIF Credit: Sander Van Dijk